Explore the world and come home to yourself.

I took my first retreat in 2000 in Tulum, Mexico and have continued attending annual retreats since. Retreats continue to renew my dedication to life and heart-centered relationships. I have now led 25+ international retreats and 40+ stateside retreats.

I love teaching retreats and watching how they transform people. Layers of stress, the momentum of responsibility, and the pressure of trying to keep up with modern life’s pace all fall away. Participants begin to relax into themselves in a more genuine way. They start to remember what’s meaningful in their hearts and their lives. It’s quite beautiful to see everyone embodying their most natural true selves by the end of the retreat.

Many people reach out to say they now have a regular daily meditation, yoga, or self care practice thanks to being on a retreat. I’m thrilled to know that people are going back to their lives with more tools and more connected to intentionality along with a deepened spiritual practice. Maybe you’d like to be one of those people too.



I offer a variety of transformational retreats that deeply immerse you in the practices of Āyurveda, yoga, and meditation, while enjoying nourishing food and a heart-centered community in incredible locations, including: the northwoods of Wisconsin, a tropical mountain overlooking the ocean in Costa Rica, amongst the rice terraces of Bali, and on a small island surrounded by turquoise waters in Greece.

Each day includes morning and evening practice and wisdom teachings based on Āyurveda, yoga, and meditation that progressively build to foster insights in your practice and life. Each day also includes delicious vegetarian meals and leaves room for free time for you to relax, go on excursions, or enjoy the amenities of the retreat.

Retreats offer depth, direct support, and the light essence of vacation. You will experience how retreating is a path of collective care; giving you the inner resources to support the way you want to be and serve in the world.

Who are retreats for?

  • You want to unplug from your stresses, responsibilities, and news feeds and remember what is really important to you.
  • You are at a transition in life and need the time for introspection. You want to come home to yourself so that you can reset and do the work you need to do in the world.
  • You want to go deeper into your yoga and mindfulness practice, and to create new habits.
  • You like the idea of a retreat to mark the season and may even want it to be a yearly ritual.
  • You’re open to a new experience and to being awe-inspired by a beautiful place on earth.
  • You want to be part of an open and inclusive community that accepts and supports diversity in age, race, physical and mental abilities, as well as sexual orientation and gender identity.

What are the benefits?

Here are some of the things that you might learn, get, gain, or feel:

  • a break from the momentum of life to slow down and remember what is meaningful
  • a deeper understanding of your constitutional makeup and a path to cultivating healthier habits and routines
  • tools for living in tune with the seasons
  • your yoga and meditation practice deepening
  • healthy movement patterns for the alignment of the body
  • tools for working with the mind
  • incredible, nourishing meals
  • beautiful accommodations
  • downtime/free time
  • the company of supportive community


I offer several different retreats on a regular basis, from year to year. Choose from three days in the north woods of Wisconsin, or seven days in magical Bali, Costa Rica, or Greece.

What to Expect

Each retreat is unique, but includes some combination of yoga and mindfulness practice, as well as instruction in yoga, meditation, and Āyurveda to deepen your practice. Whether we’re state side or exploring the land of another culture, retreats also allow for ample time to enjoy the surroundings, be pampered with spa treatments, and enjoy incredible nourishing meals.


September 6-8, 2024
December 6-8, 2024

Christine Center in the woods of Willard, Wisconsin

The retreat will be held at The Christine Center in Willard (three hours northwest from Madison) on 125 acres of land, offering a nurturing and supportive environment for deepening practice and connection.

During the retreat, we’ll focus on slowing down and deepening your yoga and meditation practice. We’ll also learn Āyurvedic lifestyle and practice recommendations to align harmoniously with the season, so your health and well-being may flourish.

Each afternoon there will be free time to walk in the woods, sit on benches overlooking the pond, drink tea, read, knit, or whatever else feels relaxing and restorative. There is a real sense of community at these retreats and many participants return each season.




October 11-31, 2024

21-day Panchakarma In India

Embark on a life-changing healing journey with Andrea and the Ayurvedic physicians at Vaidyagrama Healing Eco-Village. Immerse yourself in a 21-day Panchakarma program in India.

In the realm of Ayurvedic cleansing, experiencing Panchakarma in its birthplace—India—is a journey to the heart of authenticity. This sacred practice, deeply rooted in the wisdom of ancient sages, goes beyond a mere cleanse; it fosters profound transformation and healing at the very core of one’s being.

Your experience is personalized to address your current health, wellness, and constitutional imbalances. Some may undergo a deep cleansing process followed by rejuvenation, while others may focus on nourishing and rebuilding.




January 14-20, 2025
February 22-28, 2025

Imiloa Retreat in Dominical, Costa Rica

Join us for an eco-luxury jungle retreat overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Costa Rica. Imagine miles of pristine beaches, secret waterfalls, a relaxed way of being, and an opportunity to rest into your true nature.

The retreat will be held at Imiloa—a boutique retreat center on 30 acres of secondary jungle in the Saverge Mountains that invokes transformation, wellness, and harmony.

This seven-day tropical mountain retreat is designed to foster growth in Āyurveda, yoga, and meditation practices while offering ample time to enjoy the miles of beach, jungle hiking trails, and secret waterfalls.




March 28-30, 2025

Christine Center in the woods of Willard, Wisconsin

The retreat will be held at The Christine Center in Willard (three hours northwest from Madison) on 125 acres of land, offering a nurturing and supportive environment for deepening practice and connection.

During this fully guided and supported retreat, we’ll focus on slowing down and deepening your meditation practice. Days will include gentle yoga to prepare your body for sitting, several periods of seated and walking meditation, dharma talks, and opportunities to ask questions and receive support. Much of our time together will be spent observing noble silence, enabling us to turn our attention inward and create community based on shared devotion to practice.

Each afternoon there will be free time to walk in the woods, sit on benches overlooking the pond, drink tea, read, knit, or whatever else feels relaxing and restorative.