If I could convince you of only one thing, it’s this: that there’s a path to transform suffering—of feeling out of balance, unwell, anxious, or like you’re spread too thin. There are tools that can help you heal, connect with what is meaningful, and live in alignment with your true nature.

Hi, I’m Andrea Russell.

I’m an Āyurvedic doctor, yoga therapist, and meditation teacher dedicated to helping you reclaim your health and find inner peace.

My work is devoted to sharing timeless eastern wisdom teachings and practices in order to give you the tools and support you need to heal, thrive, and move well.

My offerings also focus on both the seasons of the year and the seasons of your life so that you can benefit from living in harmony with the natural world and age more gracefully as one year leads to the next.

I have twenty five years in health and wellness. Having gone through extensive training, I will provide you with a safe, supportive, and heart-centered experience. I’d love to work with you if you crave transformation—big or small—and want a more sustainable and aligned lifestyle that will better support you. 


Everyone needs a sanctuary. A place you can go to exhale, de-stress, come back to yourself, and find balance. This place is for you. The Sanctuary membership will give you the freedom and flexibility to practice yoga on your schedule and join the live classes you love. Get unlimited weekly livestream classes, in-person classes, and over 800+ on-demand classes plus guided breath work and meditations.