Over two decades ago, while living in a cabin in the redwood forest, I picked up Giardia, a nasty stomach bug. After a few rounds of prescriptions, western medicine said I was in the clear, but I knew something still wasn’t right. During the many years that followed, diagnosed with IBS, I tried many diets and naturopathic remedies to try and alleviate my ongoing digestive issues. So many foods upset my stomach and my diet became more and more restricted. Then I learned about the Āyurvedic method of using food as medicine and gentle cleansing to help rebuild digestive fire or agni.

We now know that good health, in the body and mind, begins in the gut. Studying classical Āyurveda gave me the tools to understand my constitution so that I could determine what foods were most nourishing for my individual makeup. Now I’m able to enjoy a variety of whole foods that are in balance with the seasons, while experiencing improved digestion, more balanced energy, and a clearer mind.

Healing my own body with Āyurvedic wisdom inspired me to take formal training and become an Āyurveda doctor so that I can help others. I’ve learned that Āyurveda is a brilliant system that isn’t just about the absence of disease—it’s about knowing the truth of you and having the right tools for self-healing so that you can feel your best. Doesn’t that sound appealing? If so, I’d love to work with you.


The Overview

Āyurveda is the indigenous medicine of India, spanning back over more than 5,000 years ago, and is considered the oldest continuously practiced health-care system in the world. Āyur means “life” and veda means “science” or “knowledge”, so it can be understood as a science of life. Āyurveda uses food as medicine, self-care, lifestyle routines, bodywork therapies, gentle seasonal cleansing, and herbs to nourish the tissues, remove stagnation, and increase health.

Āyurveda views each individual as a unique combination of the five elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. As we understand the qualities most present in our bodies and minds we are able to make optimal choices to help us be vibrant and healthy.

Some of the practices of Āyurveda are not customary in our culture, like self-massage with sesame oil or eating ghee (clarified butter). While these practices might be encouraged, Āyurveda is not about adapting a new culture or a new set of beliefs, it’s about learning to eat and live in a way that is best for you, where you live, at this time in your life. It’s a gift from one culture that can be practiced from within your own.


Who are these Āyurveda offerings for?

  • You are looking to increase health and mitigate imbalance, you are ready for a whole life overhaul, or you may want to tippy-toe into learning about the magic of simple habits you can adopt—like drinking warm water to begin your day—that will have a big impact.
  • You want a compassionate space to look at your lifestyle, habits, nutrition, and diet to tease out what’s working, not working, and what could work better.
  • You’re interested in having a better relationship with food, getting proper nutrition, and using food as medicine.
  • You’re interested in learning healthier lifestyle routines and how to navigate modern life in a way that feels more balancing, sustaining, and meaningful.
  • You may have specific ailments you’d like to address such as digestive issues (constipation, diarrhea, IBS, acid reflux, etc), weight loss, skin issues, heart health, chronic fatigue, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalance, chronic pain, long Covid, ENT issues, anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, mystery symptoms, or chronic disease.

What are the benefits?

Here are some of the things that you might learn, get, gain, or feel:

  • how to adapt your diet for your particular imbalances or diseases, desire for health, and individual constitution
  • what daily lifestyle routines and self care practices are most supportive
  • improved digestion and gut health
  • improved sleep, vitality, and energy
  • less stress and anxiety
  • relief from specific ailments, disorders, or diseases
  • dis-ease prevention and imbalance resolution
  • strengthen your intuition and your connection to your inner wisdom
  • living in closer attunement to the natural world and seasonal cycles


I offer personalized services by way of classical Āyurvedic health counseling and cleanses.  First time clients are asked to do in-depth Āyurvedic health consultation to begin. I also facilitate an online community cleanse four times a year which is open to new and existing clients alike. 

What to expect

You will have the expertise of an Āyurvedic doctor with twenty-five years experience in wellness supporting you. Receive diet, nutrition, self-care, lifestyle, and herbal recommendations suited to both the season of the year and the season of your life. These services aren’t one-size fits all; they’re individual and in the spirit of Āyurveda take a personalized approach to health.

Sessions always begin with me listening to your story and end with a personalized wellness plan. The path of classical Āyurveda has laid out five stages or protocols for restoring optimal health which you can learn more about here.




The in-depth Āyurvedic consultation will begin with a comprehensive conversation about your health history, present concerns, and lifestyle to understand the factors impacting your health and wellbeing. Completely customized to your individual needs, together we will address your concerns, hopes, and goals. Working with your own unique circumstances, I will offer thoughtful and sustainable lifestyle, self-care, diet, nutrition, and herbal recommendations to bring you into balance during the present season and your current stage of life. This consultation is best for those who are ready for a deeper dive into holistic health or have chronic health issues to address.

You will receive:

  • One 90-minute initial consultation to address your concerns and a comprehensive path forward to improved health and well-being.
  • Email support between sessions for continued support.
  • A wellness plan, herbal formula recommendations, and handouts customized to meet your individual needs.
  • Lifetime access to an extensive library of resources to support you beyond sessions including recipes, handouts, and journaling worksheets as well as guided meditation, relaxation, and yoga practice videos.

Cost: $295



The Wellness consultation is aimed at supporting your most pressing and current concern. This session is a wonderful introduction into Āyurveda or for those who have seen practitioners in the past and are familiar with Āyurveda. Working with your own unique circumstances, I will offer diet, nutrition, lifestyle, self-care, and herbal recommendations to bring you into balance during the present season and your current stage of life.

You will receive:

  • One 60-minute initial consultation to address your most pressing concern and a clear path forward to improved health and well-being.
  • A wellness plan customized to meet your individual needs.
  • An extensive library of resources to support you beyond sessions, including recipes, handouts, and journaling worksheets as well as guided meditation, relaxation, and yoga practice videos.

Cost: $225

Follow-up Consultations

Follow-up consultations are encouraged every two to four months or as needed, to optimize your health and prevent imbalance as well as to help you reinforce healthier habits and routines. They also allow us to check in and adapt your wellness plan to your current needs as you progress through the Āyurveda pathway of healing. We may build on what’s been established, adjust your wellness plan, or address new health concerns, and add to the current recommendations.

You will receive:

  • A follow up consultation to adjust your wellness plan and herbal protocol while reinforcing healthier habits and routines.
  • Email support between sessions for continued support.
  • A wellness plan including herbal formula recommendations customized to meet your individual needs.
  • Lifetime access to an extensive library of resources to support you beyond sessions, including recipes, handouts, and journaling worksheets as well as guided meditation, relaxation, and yoga practice videos.

Cost: $155 60 minutes / $95 30 minutes
$595 four 60 minute consultation package

If you are a current client and need support sooner than what is available, please email me.

Cancellation Policy: In the event you need to cancel your appointment, 48 hours notice is required prior to the appointment. If you choose to cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice or ‘no-show,’ you will be responsible for the full amount of the missed appointment.