Panchakarma In India
Info Session


Join Andrea for a 2-hour in depth session on Panchkarma, a 21-day transformational cleanse. You will learn about Ayurveda's profound healing capacity, why you may want to come into India, and what to expect on the journey.

This informative session is for you if are ready to join us in India OR if you are just a tiny bit curious what this is all about. Maybe you don't even know what Panchakarma is and you want to simply learn a little more about Ayurveda. Everyone is welcome. 

Where Ancient Wisdom

Meets Profound Healing

WHat are the Benefits?

You will 


  • What is Ayurveda
  • What is a 21 day Panchakarma cleanse
  • Why authentic Panchakarma in India is different then receiving PK in the states
  • Why it is supportive to go with a guide and be in community
  • The profound transformation you will receive 
  • Who should receive Panchakarma and who should not 
  • The authenticity of Vaidyagrama our healing hospital and village 
  • All travel details for going to India
  • Next steps if you want to join us on this life changing journey
  • Time for your questions to be answered 

Interested in one

Experience one free week inside my membership - the Sanctuary. We would be honored to have you.