Hi, I'm Andrea

I am an Ayurvedic doctor, yoga therapist, and meditation teacher dedicated to helping you reclaim your health and vitality. 



A vibrant variety of cauliflower with fractal like spiral patterns and a bright green color, romanesco stands with a beauty all of its own.  I eagerly await the arrival of romanesco at the farmer’s market and coop as it is so striking and one of my favorite vegetables.  This week I bought three heads as it is hit or miss when it is available.  At least half a dozen people commented and asked questions, intrigued by this unique item filling my basket.   I find a very simple preparation is all that this beauty needs to be a wholesome side to compliment almost any other dish.

1 head romanesco
a generous drizzle of olive oil
salt + pepper to taste
fresh lemon juice

  1. Preheat heat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut romanesco florets away from the main stalky stem in to desired size pieces.  Toss with olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.
  3. Place in a pyrex baking dish in the preheated oven.  Roast for 30-45 minutes or until tender.  Stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

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